안녕히 가세요, 2020!

With 2021 upon us, I find myself reflecting on the year coming to an end. 2020 has been as rewarding as it’s been challenging. Last January, I jokingly told my sister that this year was going to be “the year of Jordyn.” Not a week later I was in a car accident and month later I moved from Indiana to Grand Rapids amidst the beginning of COVID-19 uncertainty. Now, almost a year later, I’ve had to defend my faith against an unexpected and formidable force, navigated the loss of important relationships due to racism and bigotry, and had to reassess who I really am- and want to be. That all seems pretty heavy, right? Well, like most people, I spent the past 12 months crying, living in confusion and fear, laughing at the effect quarantine had on my behavior, and crying some more. But I cannot ignore the gift that the past year really was in my life. With all the destruction and devastation 2020 brought, it also allowed me to transform into a new person. A better person (hopefully). My beliefs have been solidified, I truly value my remaining relationships, and I’ve been able to create an outlet for the things that matter the most to me (MTMTE, of course). 

This new year, I’ve resolved not to make any resolutions. Instead, I want to chase the opportunities and possibilities put in my path. I want to approach life without fear of the unknown, and allow myself to celebrate the victories, big or small. I want to life spontaneously, gratefully, unapologetically. Most importantly, I want to have peace in knowing that prayers can be answered in unexpected ways.  

Let’s cheers to the end of 2020, and hope that 2021 means less quarantine and more adventures! 
Happy New Year! Stay safe, stay hopeful, stay kind. 

– Jordyn


Tears, Triumphs, and Total Devastation: A collection of notes and voice memos from the past year.


World Adoption Day 2020