World Adoption Day 2020

2020 has been challenging for everyone. Its been a year of threatened safety, devastating loss, and reflecting on what’s really important. For me, 2020 has also been filled with heartbreak. But that heartbreak led to important education and conversation. It’s forced me to reflect on the hesitancy I’ve felt my entire life to embrace who I really am out of fear of rejection. Rejection for the color of my skin, my culture, my experiences. Today, I want to celebrate the differences that people often use to treat others poorly. I want to celebrate the fact that my family is beautiful and great, and it looks different than yours.

Adoption shows us that different doesn’t have to make you an ‘other’ and family is what you make it. Differences don’t have to be a threat to your wellbeing, your safety, or your beliefs. In fact, they can add immeasurable joy and love to your life. You just have to be open minded enough to accept them. HAPPY WORLD ADOPTION DAY to those who get to experience the profound joy of knowing that family is more than shared DNA.


안녕히 가세요, 2020!


Race, Religion, and Reconciliation